Chief of Defence Forces Francis Ogolla was eulogised as a great and loving family man. Og is survived by a widow, two children and a grandkid.


Chief of Defence Forces Francis Ogolla was eulogised as a great and loving family man. Og is survived by a widow, two children and a grandkid.


President William Ruto has openly addressed his change of stance regarding the late Major General Francis Ogolla's suitability for the position of Chief of Defence Forces. Reflecting on the August 15, 2022, incident at the Bomas of Kenya, President Ruto shared his journey from skepticism to admiration for General Ogolla's capabilities.

President Ruto, known for his vocal stance on matters of governance and leadership, acknowledged that initial recommendations did not include General Ogolla's name. However, a pivotal meeting between the two spurred a profound realization for the president.

"All recommendations and advice I got on the next Chief of Defence Forces did not include General Ogolla’s name, unfortunately, but he was a military officer with a distinguished career. I had consciously decided that we would take a different trajectory where merit, professionalism and competence must come before ethnicity," President Ruto affirmed.

The president's introspection extended beyond the confines of political rhetoric. Drawing parallels to his own experiences, particularly his time at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, President Ruto empathized with General Ogolla's journey.

"After that meeting, I went home and reflected on what General Ogolla had told me. I thought of my own story and episode at the ICC in the Hague, where circumstances had conspired, and I was there," President Ruto reflected.

This introspective moment led President Ruto to a resolute decision: General Ogolla was the epitome of the meritocratic approach President Ruto envisioned for Kenya's military leadership.

"I made up my mind that General Ogolla deserved to be the Chief of Defence Forces of Kenya. General Ogolla was the best that we could get," President Ruto concluded.